Land adjacent to Foston Road and Leicester Road, Countesthorpe, Leicestershire

Proposed New Homes & Public Open Space

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Planning Update

An outline planning application for land adjacent to Foston Road, Countesthorpe has been submitted.

The application (Reference: 23/1071/OUT) has now been validated (January 2024), and is available to view on the Blaby District Council website.

In summary the proposals include:

  • Up to 170 energy efficient new homes
  • 25% affordable housing
  • New public open space including children’s play area

An outline planning application seeks to establish whether the scale and nature of a proposed development would be acceptable to the local planning authority, before a second fully detailed planning application (Reserved Matters) is submitted.

Where outline permission has been granted, and within three years of the outline approval, an application for the outstanding Reserved Matters can be submitted, i.e., the information excluded from the initial outline planning application.

This will include information about the exact layout, scale and appearance of the new homes, as well as the details of the open space and landscaping.

No development can take place on site until the Reserved Matters application has been consented.

Statutory consultees (e.g., Environment Agency and the Highways Authority) and local residents will have the opportunity to formally comment on the application direct with Blaby District Council.

We will continue to work closely with the Council and where necessary will respond to statutory consultees through the planning process.

Planning background

The site was subject to an outline planning application (ref: 16/0843/OUT) for the development of up to 170 new homes which was refused planning permission by Blaby District Council in November 2016. A subsequent appeal against the refusal of planning permission was dismissed in 2017 (ref: APP/T2405/W/16/3164730).

The independent appeal decision determined several important points:

  • the proposed development would be conveniently located to local services and facilities, would have social and economic benefits in respect of providing new dwellings to meet the needs of present and future generation and would provide local construction employment opportunities
  • the proposed development would also make a worthwhile contribution to the supply of housing and help boost the Council’s five year housing supply
  • the affordable housing the proposed development would bring, would eradicate the need for such accommodation in Countesthorpe
  • the provision of a revised junction between Foston Road and Leicester Road would ease current capacity issues as well as considerably improving egress for vehicles from Ladbroke Grove, Buckingham Road and the surrounding roads
  • the proposed development would not have a significantly harmful effect on the character and appearance of the area

In dismissing the appeal, the Inspector concluded

“Nevertheless, the benefits of the scheme, and the absence of significant harm I have identified above, should be viewed in the context of my findings that the council can demonstrate a five year supply of housing land, and that the development plan is up-to-date and in accordance with the Framework. The material considerations advanced by the appellant are not sufficient to indicate that the proposal should be determined other than in accordance with the development plan”.

Since the determination of the appeal there has been a recent material change in circumstance of relevance to the Inspectors above conclusions.

On 27 September 2023 Blaby District Council published an updated ‘Residential Land Availability Report’ stating that the Council can now only demonstrate 3.69 years housing land supply, representing a shortfall of at least 548 homes against the five year requirement.

The Council’s Core Strategy adopted in 2013 is now 10 years old and work on the replacement Local Plan is still at an early stage. National Planning Policy (i.e., the Framework) states that where a local planning authority cannot demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing sites (as is now the case in Blaby) planning permission for new housing should be granted “unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits”.

With reference to the independent appeal Inspectors’ conclusion that the proposal for new housing on the site would not result in any significant harm, it is our belief that the recognised benefits of the proposals now warrant the grant of planning permission.

Our proposals for the site remain unchanged from those submitted in 2016.

About the site

The site totalling 7.8 acres is located to the north east of the village of Countestorpe and abuts Leicester Road (becoming Countesthorpe Road) to the west and Foston Road to the south.  The Meadows Sports Ground is located north of the site whilst Cherry Lane Garden Centre is to the south east.

It comprises one large irregular shaped field which is partially split via a strip of narrow grassland, forming two land parcels.

The site is in a sustainable location and has excellent access to all nearby local services and facilities found within the village.   Many facilities and town centre services are within 800m of the site (a 10 minute walk)

Catesby Estates selected as land promotion partner for Countesthorpe

Catesby Estates was selected as the preferred land promoter for this site with capacity for up to 170 new homes in a sustainable location adjoining the established residential area of Countesthorpe (Blaby District).

The well contained site is situated in a sustainable and accessible location within short walking distance of the village centre and nearby bus stops.

The proposals for the site will deliver a number of key benefits to the local area and wider District, including the provision of affordable housing and enhancements to the surrounding road network.

Planning Update

An outline planning application for land adjacent to Foston Road, Countesthorpe has been submitted.

The application (Reference: 23/1071/OUT) has now been validated (January 2024), and is available to view on the Blaby District Council website.

In summary the proposals include:

  • Up to 170 energy efficient new homes
  • 25% affordable housing
  • New public open space including children’s play area

An outline planning application seeks to establish whether the scale and nature of a proposed development would be acceptable to the local planning authority, before a second fully detailed planning application (Reserved Matters) is submitted.

Where outline permission has been granted, and within three years of the outline approval, an application for the outstanding Reserved Matters can be submitted, i.e., the information excluded from the initial outline planning application.

This will include information about the exact layout, scale and appearance of the new homes, as well as the details of the open space and landscaping.

No development can take place on site until the Reserved Matters application has been consented.

Statutory consultees (e.g., Environment Agency and the Highways Authority) and local residents will have the opportunity to formally comment on the application direct with Blaby District Council.

We will continue to work closely with the Council and where necessary will respond to statutory consultees through the planning process.

Planning background

The site was subject to an outline planning application (ref: 16/0843/OUT) for the development of up to 170 new homes which was refused planning permission by Blaby District Council in November 2016. A subsequent appeal against the refusal of planning permission was dismissed in 2017 (ref: APP/T2405/W/16/3164730).

The independent appeal decision determined several important points:

  • the proposed development would be conveniently located to local services and facilities, would have social and economic benefits in respect of providing new dwellings to meet the needs of present and future generation and would provide local construction employment opportunities
  • the proposed development would also make a worthwhile contribution to the supply of housing and help boost the Council’s five year housing supply
  • the affordable housing the proposed development would bring, would eradicate the need for such accommodation in Countesthorpe
  • the provision of a revised junction between Foston Road and Leicester Road would ease current capacity issues as well as considerably improving egress for vehicles from Ladbroke Grove, Buckingham Road and the surrounding roads
  • the proposed development would not have a significantly harmful effect on the character and appearance of the area

In dismissing the appeal, the Inspector concluded

“Nevertheless, the benefits of the scheme, and the absence of significant harm I have identified above, should be viewed in the context of my findings that the council can demonstrate a five year supply of housing land, and that the development plan is up-to-date and in accordance with the Framework. The material considerations advanced by the appellant are not sufficient to indicate that the proposal should be determined other than in accordance with the development plan”.

Since the determination of the appeal there has been a recent material change in circumstance of relevance to the Inspectors above conclusions.

On 27 September 2023 Blaby District Council published an updated ‘Residential Land Availability Report’ stating that the Council can now only demonstrate 3.69 years housing land supply, representing a shortfall of at least 548 homes against the five year requirement.

The Council’s Core Strategy adopted in 2013 is now 10 years old and work on the replacement Local Plan is still at an early stage. National Planning Policy (i.e., the Framework) states that where a local planning authority cannot demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing sites (as is now the case in Blaby) planning permission for new housing should be granted “unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits”.

With reference to the independent appeal Inspectors’ conclusion that the proposal for new housing on the site would not result in any significant harm, it is our belief that the recognised benefits of the proposals now warrant the grant of planning permission.

Our proposals for the site remain unchanged from those submitted in 2016.

About the site

The site totalling 7.8 acres is located to the north east of the village of Countestorpe and abuts Leicester Road (becoming Countesthorpe Road) to the west and Foston Road to the south.  The Meadows Sports Ground is located north of the site whilst Cherry Lane Garden Centre is to the south east.

It comprises one large irregular shaped field which is partially split via a strip of narrow grassland, forming two land parcels.

The site is in a sustainable location and has excellent access to all nearby local services and facilities found within the village.   Many facilities and town centre services are within 800m of the site (a 10 minute walk)

Catesby Estates selected as land promotion partner for Countesthorpe

Catesby Estates was selected as the preferred land promoter for this site with capacity for up to 170 new homes in a sustainable location adjoining the established residential area of Countesthorpe (Blaby District).

The well contained site is situated in a sustainable and accessible location within short walking distance of the village centre and nearby bus stops.

The proposals for the site will deliver a number of key benefits to the local area and wider District, including the provision of affordable housing and enhancements to the surrounding road network.

Narborough Road, Cosby, Leicestershire
North of Walshes Road, Crowborough, East Sussex