A Well Established Land Promotion Team

Catesby Estates has over 20 years knowledge and experience of strategic land promotion with six in-house teams specialising in:

Land, Planning, Technical, Design, Public Consultation and Finance.

Focused on strategic land promotion and infrastructure delivery, Catesby Estates are well placed to fully assess land opportunities and the prospect of obtaining planning consent on your land.


How The Strategic Land Promotion Process Works

How the strategic land promotion process works diagram


Deliverability Is Key To Strategic Land Promotion

As innovators within in the land promotion sector, Catesby Estates was one of the first to recognise the importance and added value, in-house technical expertise can deliver to both landowners and housebuilders. We nurtured and developed our own in-house technical team, making our skill set unique amongst land promoters.

The Catesby Estates technical team have a strong track record having worked for major housebuilders, and through their knowledge they are able to bring forward sites with comprehensive technical background work completed, and offer value engineered solutions to any site constraints.

This means there is less upfront risk for a housebuilder, that comes with a land site that has not been fully considered from a technical and deliverability perspective. This in turn increases the speed of housing delivery, with housebuilders able get onsite and start construction quicker.

The technical team are involved in all stages of land promotion from site acquisition and planning through to the final sale process. The team look at the deliverability and constraints of sites, which drives the evolution of the constraints plan and the final illustrative masterplan. They address issues such as gradients, ground investigation, access, highways, utilities, flood risk and drainage. This comprehensive technical input at the early stages, reduces the possibility of expensive delays later in the final sale and legal process of the land.

Land promotion and planning

Technically Implementable Planning Permissions

Housing delivery is a critical part of the economy and central government has been keen to ensure planning consents are turned into houses quickly and efficiently.  As a land promoter Catesby Estates do not build houses and therefore, it is imperative for us to demonstrate that our planning permissions are turned into ‘real homes’ quickly.

The Government introduced the Housing Delivery Test to ensure Local Authorities grant consent for schemes that are deliverable.  Catesby Estates has a best in class reputation due to our ability to provide housebuilders with techincally sound implementable permissions.

The plethora of technical challenges and constraints on a land site, the constant evolution of innovative technology and building methods, the ever changing government regulations and requirements, means it’s a challenge to build the 300,000 new homes needed every year to help solve the housing crisis.

Housebuilders and Local Authorities have confidence that a planning permission obtained by Catesby Estates is deliverable.  This is a key part of our land promotion strategy, and one of the main reasons why we are trusted by our partners and stakeholders.

Strategic Land Site Identification

The UK planning system for residential developments can be complex and risky, requiring patience, an eye for detail and significant financial backing.

We identify sites with strong planning potential, taking into account the Local Plan and a Local Authority’s five year housing supply.

Deliverability Challenges

The Catesby technical team are involved in all stages of land promotion from site acquisition and planning through to the final sale process. They address issues such as gradients, ground investigation, access, highways, utilities, flood risk and drainage.

This comprehensive technical input at the early stages, reduces the possibility of expensive delays later in the final sale and legal process of the land.

Planning Application Submitted

Local Planning Authorities are increasing reliant on strategic land promoters demonstrating sites meet planning criteria and the local area housing needs.

We work closely with planning officials and councils, striving for excellence in communication to inform and consult with all parties at every stage of the process.

Gaining Planning Consent

As part of any planning consent granted, Local Authorities will request mitigation measures against development. Some of these costs can be covered in the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or by the Section 106 Town and Country Planning Act.

We are well versed in negotiating these costs on behalf of landowners to ensure all parties involved reach a satisfactory conclusion.

Assemble The Land Promotion Team

Our in-house land promotion knowledge, expertise and bespoke approach to each site ensures your land is in safe hands.

We have six in-house divisions specialising in land, planning, technical, design, consultation and finance.

Stakeholder & Community Engagement

We look to involve the community at an early stage, so they can help inform our final proposals, helping to underpin the vision for the site.

Not limited to desk research, we pride ourselves on our ‘boots on the ground’ approach.

We don’t shy away from difficult conversations, and we are always happy to engage with local residents, community groups, elected representatives and other key stakeholders.

This enables us to better understand the local issues and seek to offer real tangible benefits to the local community.

Selling The Land Site To A Housebuilder or Developer

The key to maximising value through a promotion agreement is the active marketing of the site once planning permission is secured, which will result in competing bids.

We work closely with a range of housebuilders and developers to ensure the final delivery of a residential development that complements and enhances the area and community in which it sits.

The core aim of a promotion agreement is maximising the value of your land, with Catesby Estates financing the process of planning and preparation for sale, in return for a fixed percentage once the land is sold.

The process guarantees that both the landowner and Catesby Estates are aligned to achieve maximum land value.

Added Value For Housebuilders And Local Authorities

Our in depth understanding of the housebuilders and their end product, offers added value for those looking to purchase land sites from Catesby Estates.

By constantly assessing and dealing with technical issues which can affect site deliverability means Local Authorities and other stakeholders at Planning Committees can have confidence in the planning consent they are granting and the quality of the development coming forward.

Scoping technical issues for land development

We have developed strong relationships with housebuilders, ranging from the large volume providers through to regional and local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) housebuilders, by selling deliverable, implementable planning consents.

Housebuilders have access to our background technical assessments, and are able to meet with our technical team and draw on their expertise and in-depth site knowledge during the final sales process.

Land for housing development is in high demand.  Could your land have residential development potential?

For a no obligation appraisal of your site, or a informal chat about our services, contact us today.