A week ago today the Urban&Civic and Catesby Estates teams gathered in Newark at the amazing YMCA Newark and Sherwood Village, close to our Middlebeck site.

Bringing Everyone Together

Our Away Day included a welcome from the Middlebeck team, updates from across the business, a look back at the planning system over the last 14 years and a look forward to the NPPF and beyond.

This was all interspersed with some funny and creative mini films by our teams on topics such as our electric car scheme, our employee advisory group and a bike, car, boat, foot and bus race from Newark Station to Middlebeck.

This year our theme was active travel and we were joined for our panel discussion by Graham Grant of Active Travel England, Julian Scriven of Brompton Bicycle, Rachel Toms of Sustrans and Matt Lamb of Newark and Sherwood District Council.

The discussion was both informative and inspiring and provided some helpful hints on a range of topics including, how to unfold and fold a Brompton Bike most efficiently. This came in handy for our sports day the following day where that was one of the events alongside rounders, track and field, blindfold ping pong ball passing and wall climbing.

Sports Day Team Building

Many thanks to all the team that helped make this possible especially Katie Yates from the Catesby Estates team who is part of the working group responsible for delivering this two day event.

The perfect ending was the Catesby team (or the Babbinators as our team was named for the day - Jonathan Babb) winning the overall team sports day trophy!

Sports Day 2024