Off Longwater Road, Finchampstead, Berkshire

Proposed New Homes and Public Open Space

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Application submission

A full application for land off Longwater Road, Finchampstead has been submitted (June 2024) to Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) and has been validated (Ref: 241567).  The application can be viewed on WBC's planning portal.

The proposals have been prepared in conjunction with Stonebond Properties (Guildford) Ltd.

The proposals include:

  • 40 new homes, with a mix of house sizes and types, ranging from 1 to 4 bed homes to meet local policy requirements and identified need
  • At least 28 of the 40 homes will be affordable housing (at least 70%). Affordable housing is a combination of affordable rent and shared ownership housing, provided to eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. This will assist those looking for their first home, and lower income individuals and families
  • Electric car charging points will be provided for each new home
  • New landscaping and new habitats with the creation of public open space

Statutory consultees and local residents will have the opportunity to formally comment on the application direct with WBC.

We will continue to work closely with WBC and where necessary will respond to statutory consultees through the planning process.

Full Planning Application 

A full planning application provides more detail regarding:

Layout - Includes buildings, routes and open spaces within the development and the way they are laid out in relation to buildings and spaces outside the development.

Scale - Includes information on the size of the development, including the height, width and length of each proposed building.

Appearance - Aspects of a building or place which affect the way it looks, including the exterior of the development.

Landscaping - The improvement or protection of the amenities of the site and the area and the surrounding area, this could include new planting such as trees and bushes.

Statutory consultees for example the Environment Agency and the Highways Authority, and local residents will also have the opportunity to formally comment on the application through the Council.

Design Considerations

Development Framework - The proposed framework responds to the constraints and opportunities of the site, ensuring the existing landscape and vegetation enclosing the site is given prominence within the development.

Residential homes are to be integrated within the landscape led setting, enabling the overall development to deliver a sequence of routes, streets and spaces. 

Block Structure - The block structure is highly permeable with strong degrees of natural surveillance, through the perimeter block forms and with all views terminating on buildings or vegetation to enable a heightened sense of legibility.

Scale & Massing - All residential dwellings are 2 storey housing.

Permeability - The site is highly permeable, offering pedestrian routes throughout and into the proposed open spaces.

Highly sustainable location for new homes

The site is highly sustainable and is within walking distance to local services and facilities located in in the village, including the Finchampstead primary school and the Greyhound pub which sells a range of day-to-day essentials.

The site has no identified environmental or technical constraints that would prevent it from coming forward for development and can be developed immediately.

Funding generated by new homes in Finchampstead

Funding for services and infrastructure, such as schools, doctors, highway improvements, environmental improvements etc. will be made available via financial contributions that are the responsibility of the developer.

Using the current CIL charging schedule should housing come forward on this site, this could provide significant investment towards infrastructure improvements.

With an adopted Neighbourhood Plan, Finchampstead Parish Council will receive 25% of the CIL funding generated by the site.

What Is affordable housing?

At least 70% of the homes proposed will be affordable housing, comprising a mixture of affordable homes for rent and affordable routes to home-ownership.

The affordable rented homes will be allocated to eligible households on the waiting list, with priority given to local residents or those with a local connection.

The provision of affordable housing  is a significant benefit; it means that households who are currently ‘priced-out’ of the market will have greater opportunities to access good-quality housing.

This is particularly pertinent in Finchampstead where the average house price over the last year was £675,986 (Rightmove) compared to the UK average of £285,000 (ONS).

Strategic land promotion in Finchampstead

Catesby Estates has been selected to promote land of Longwater Road, Finchampstead.

The site is 5.6 acres adjoining the built up edge of Finchampstead and is located in the administrative area of Wokingham Borough Council.

Application submission

A full application for land off Longwater Road, Finchampstead has been submitted (June 2024) to Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) and has been validated (Ref: 241567).  The application can be viewed on WBC's planning portal.

The proposals have been prepared in conjunction with Stonebond Properties (Guildford) Ltd.

The proposals include:

  • 40 new homes, with a mix of house sizes and types, ranging from 1 to 4 bed homes to meet local policy requirements and identified need
  • At least 28 of the 40 homes will be affordable housing (at least 70%). Affordable housing is a combination of affordable rent and shared ownership housing, provided to eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. This will assist those looking for their first home, and lower income individuals and families
  • Electric car charging points will be provided for each new home
  • New landscaping and new habitats with the creation of public open space

Statutory consultees and local residents will have the opportunity to formally comment on the application direct with WBC.

We will continue to work closely with WBC and where necessary will respond to statutory consultees through the planning process.

Full Planning Application 

A full planning application provides more detail regarding:

Layout - Includes buildings, routes and open spaces within the development and the way they are laid out in relation to buildings and spaces outside the development.

Scale - Includes information on the size of the development, including the height, width and length of each proposed building.

Appearance - Aspects of a building or place which affect the way it looks, including the exterior of the development.

Landscaping - The improvement or protection of the amenities of the site and the area and the surrounding area, this could include new planting such as trees and bushes.

Statutory consultees for example the Environment Agency and the Highways Authority, and local residents will also have the opportunity to formally comment on the application through the Council.

Design Considerations

Development Framework - The proposed framework responds to the constraints and opportunities of the site, ensuring the existing landscape and vegetation enclosing the site is given prominence within the development.

Residential homes are to be integrated within the landscape led setting, enabling the overall development to deliver a sequence of routes, streets and spaces. 

Block Structure - The block structure is highly permeable with strong degrees of natural surveillance, through the perimeter block forms and with all views terminating on buildings or vegetation to enable a heightened sense of legibility.

Scale & Massing - All residential dwellings are 2 storey housing.

Permeability - The site is highly permeable, offering pedestrian routes throughout and into the proposed open spaces.

Highly sustainable location for new homes

The site is highly sustainable and is within walking distance to local services and facilities located in in the village, including the Finchampstead primary school and the Greyhound pub which sells a range of day-to-day essentials.

The site has no identified environmental or technical constraints that would prevent it from coming forward for development and can be developed immediately.

Funding generated by new homes in Finchampstead

Funding for services and infrastructure, such as schools, doctors, highway improvements, environmental improvements etc. will be made available via financial contributions that are the responsibility of the developer.

Using the current CIL charging schedule should housing come forward on this site, this could provide significant investment towards infrastructure improvements.

With an adopted Neighbourhood Plan, Finchampstead Parish Council will receive 25% of the CIL funding generated by the site.

What Is affordable housing?

At least 70% of the homes proposed will be affordable housing, comprising a mixture of affordable homes for rent and affordable routes to home-ownership.

The affordable rented homes will be allocated to eligible households on the waiting list, with priority given to local residents or those with a local connection.

The provision of affordable housing  is a significant benefit; it means that households who are currently ‘priced-out’ of the market will have greater opportunities to access good-quality housing.

This is particularly pertinent in Finchampstead where the average house price over the last year was £675,986 (Rightmove) compared to the UK average of £285,000 (ONS).

Strategic land promotion in Finchampstead

Catesby Estates has been selected to promote land of Longwater Road, Finchampstead.

The site is 5.6 acres adjoining the built up edge of Finchampstead and is located in the administrative area of Wokingham Borough Council.

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