Plains Farm, Colchester, Essex

Residential Development

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Plains Farm Planning Application Update - November 2020

Using delegated powers Tendering District Council refused in August 2020, the original outline planning application submitted for 116 new homes (Application Ref: 19/01085/OU).

We have resubmitted an application to Tendring District Council which is currently awaiting validation. In response to the perceived heritage setting we have reduced the number of homes to 90 (but have maintained 30% affordable housing) and increased the public open space.

The application once registered can be viewed at

We are not intending to hold a further public exhibition on the revised proposals, however we would be happy to receive any comments you may have or answer any questions.

Tendring District Council will carry out a formal consultation on the proposals with local residents and other stakeholders.. We will respond to any comments made during the application determination period.

Original Outline Planning Application

  • Up to 116 dwellings
  • 30% (34 homes) will be affordable housing
  • The proposed development will predominantly consist of 2 storey dwellings, with potential for 2.5 storey units for larger dwellings
  • The development block to the south of Plains Farmhouse emulates a traditional farmstead cluster, with linear barn-like buildings surrounding a courtyard, providing a positive relationship to the existing farmhouse
  • The site will be connected to the wider network of cycle and pedestrian paths linking it to the neighbouring developments and wider landscape. The illustrative masterplan proposes a loop of informal footpaths to provide connectivity to development’s open spaces
  • A S106 Legal agreement will be secured if planning permission is granted which will require financial contributions towards primary and secondary education payable to Essex County Council, healthcare and the provision of 30% affordable housing are just some of the items that would be included in this agreement

(34%) of the site is proposed to be public open space (currently this site is privately owned with no public access). This key open space would include:

  • Landscaped entrance into the site, lined with existing retained trees
  • A large area of public open space to the south of Plains Farm, naturalistic in character, containing a natural play area and bounded by retained hedgerows. The play area would be designed to carefully integrate with the landscape using tree planting, landform and natural materials such as logs and boulders to create an attractive setting for play
  • A community orchard at the north-western corner of the site
  • Green corridors along the southern, eastern and northern edges of the site, bounded by existing or proposed hedgerows with hedgerow trees. The green corridor along the northern edge of the site is set back from the A120 vegetation by over 10m and accommodates surface water drainage features and an informal footpath connecting the green corridors at the site’s peripheries
  • A secluded attenuation area north of Plains Farm, acting as a habitat area to enhance the site’s ecology

Plains Farm, Colchester site location

The site is located off Plains Farm Close, situated on the eastern edge of Colchester and immediately to the south of the A120.  The majority of the site comprises agricultural land in arable use. The north west corner of the site, closest to the A120, comprises a number of agricultural type units of various forms and sizes, associated with Plains Farm.

The farmhouse itself and the associated drainage pond to the north do not form part of the development site. Immediately to the north of the Site and south of the A120, is a significant landscape buffer consisting of mature trees.

Colchester Town Centre is only some 3.5km to the south west of the Site and has a wide range of shops, services, and employment opportunities.

The closet bus stop is Balkerne Gate, which is a three minute walk from the proposed site. Buses to Colchester Town Centre.

Masterplan and Design

Plains Farm forms part of a new neighbourhood situated off Ipswich Road at the edge of Colchester. The site has a boundary with ‘The Orchards’, a residential development currently under construction.

The character of the proposals is driven by the existing farmhouse, which sits within a setting of mature trees and fields bounded by hedgerows. The proposals seek to respect the setting of Plains Farm by providing a sequence of greens along a route approaching the farmhouse. Houses will be set back from the listed buildings, with the greens providing an attractive setting for new homes.

The housing area to the east of the farmhouse will be structured around a network of streets, leading off a central avenue, that connect with linear green spaces at the site’s peripheries.

To ensure integration, the proposals will reflect the pattern of The Orchards.  Continuing strong north-south corridors into the site, providing opportunities to connect residents of both developments, tying the two communities together whilst retaining their separate characters and identities. 


These green spaces will allow for the movement of people and wildlife around edges of the development. The green spaces will also function as corridors containing ponds and swales for drainage and hedgerow and tree planting, softening views towards buildings and forming a boundary in keeping with the adjoining neighbourhood.

The landscape proposals will seek to retain boundary vegetation where possible and create new areas of planting and open space.  The proposed development respects the residential amenities of nearby properties, with appropriate separation distances between new and existing properties.

Looking for a new home in Colchester?

The worsening of the UK housing crisis is well publicised, with the Government vowing to deliver 300,000 new homes every year. 

The pressure on the housing market is significant with the demand for homes outstripping supply.  An increase in life expectancy, immigration, single person occupancy and the demand for second homes being just some of the contributing factors.

Colchester is a highly desirable, but expensive place to live, and local people are struggling for the opportunity to get on the housing ladder and find a place they can call home.

  • Average price of a home in Colchester is £270,445 (Source: Rightmove)
  • Over 17% more than the UK average of £231,095 (Source: Land Registry)
  • House prices have risen by 14% in Colchester since 2016 (Source: Rightmove)
  • A first time buyer would need a deposit of £27,044 based on the current average house price in Colchester

Be the first to hear the latest news on our affordable homes by emailing us at or filling in our HAVE YOUR SAY FORM above.  We are keen to hear from young professionals and key workers who are looking to get on the housing ladder in Colchester.

What is affordable housing?

Affordable housing is a combination of social rented, affordable rent and shared ownership housing, provided to eligible households whose needs are not met by the market.  30% of the new homes delivered at Plains Farm will be affordable housing.

Local planning background for Plains Farm, Colchester

Tendring District, Braintree District and Colchester Borough Councils, also referred to as the North Essex Authorities (NEAs), have been working together on the strategic cross boundary issues for North Essex. This has resulted in a strategic Section 1 Local Plan which is shared by all three local planning authorities. Emerging Local Plan (ELP) Policy SP2 sets out the spatial strategy for the North Essex joint area, including the development of three new Garden Communities at the following locations:

  • Colchester/Braintree Borders
  • Tendring/Colchester Borders
  • West of Braintree

Tendring along with Braintree and Colchester have each prepared individual Section 2 Local Plans. The NEAs submitted their Local Plans (Section 1 & Section 2) to the Secretary of State in October 2017 for examination. A number of hearings were held where the examining Inspector, appointed by the Secretary of State considered the proposals for the Garden Communities.

The Examining Inspector published his initial findings in June 2018. The Inspector raised serious concerns on the feasibility and viability of the proposals as currently presented and on the adequacy of the Sustainability Appraisal and technical evidence that supports the plan. The examining Inspector was also concerned that there would be slippage in the delivery of the Garden Communities and that they would not come forward in the timescales suggested by the Councils.

The examination of the Section 1 plan is currently suspended whilst the NEAs undertake the additional work to the Sustainability Appraisal and other technical reports. As part of the work the NEAs are also considering ways of dealing with any potential shortfall in housing delivery at the Garden Communities. This is likely to include allocating new sites that have the ability to deliver in the shorter term.

Due to the significant infrastructure requirements and lead in times associated with new settlements and strategic sites, it is critical that each Council’s housing land supply comprises a mix of sites that have the ability to deliver in the short to medium. Such sites provide the opportunity to deliver more homes earlier in the plan period and thus complement the longer-term delivery that can be achieved at the Garden Communities.

The proposed development site is located in a highly sustainable location on the edge of Colchester, close to existing services, amenities and a wide range of employment opportunities. We consider this Site offers the opportunity to deliver a mix of housing in a location where the need for new housing is high.

Planning application for new homes in Colchester submitted - July 2019

Catesby Estates have submitted outline plans for the construction of up to 116 new homes, including 30% affordable on 14.4 acres of land known as Plains Farm, Colchester.

Plains Farm forms part of a new neighbourhood situated off Ipswich Road at the edge of Colchester. The site has a boundary with ‘The Orchards’, a residential development currently under construction.

The proposed development site is located in a highly sustainable location on the edge of Colchester, close to existing services, amenities and a wide range of employment opportunities. This site offers the opportunity to deliver a mix of housing in a location where the need for new housing is high.

The application will undergo a statutory consultation period, where anyone who wishes to make their views known on the development can submit their comments to Tendring District Council, before it goes before the planning committee later this year. 

Should the application be approved, Catesby will then work with housebuilders to deliver a range of new homes, with first residents taking occupation during 2021.

Public consultation for new homes in Colchester commences - April 2019

Plains Farm represents a unique opportunity to create a high quality and sustainable new housing development for Colchester.

The development will cater for the whole community, with a range of home sizes and types with 30% affordable housing provided for those struggling to get on the housing ladder.

We are inviting neighbours of the site to submit their views to us, so we can shape our plans further.

Catesby Estates has entered into an agreement to promote land at Plains Farm, Ardleigh, Colchester - November 2018

The 71.6 acre greenfield site lies within the administrative area of Tendring Borough Council, and has potential for new homes, including affordable housing and community facilities.  The site is within an established residential area of Ardleigh with a range of services and facilities within walking distance.

The in-house planning and technical teams will be now be working with the council to bring this site forward for new homes.

A Spokeperson for Catesby Estates said; “We are pleased to have secured this well located and sustainable potential residential site for our land promotion portfolio.  This year has seen our land promotion portfolio grow to a record high with over 64 sites, and we are still looking to add to this further.”   

Plains Farm Planning Application Update - November 2020

Using delegated powers Tendering District Council refused in August 2020, the original outline planning application submitted for 116 new homes (Application Ref: 19/01085/OU).

We have resubmitted an application to Tendring District Council which is currently awaiting validation. In response to the perceived heritage setting we have reduced the number of homes to 90 (but have maintained 30% affordable housing) and increased the public open space.

The application once registered can be viewed at

We are not intending to hold a further public exhibition on the revised proposals, however we would be happy to receive any comments you may have or answer any questions.

Tendring District Council will carry out a formal consultation on the proposals with local residents and other stakeholders.. We will respond to any comments made during the application determination period.

Original Outline Planning Application

  • Up to 116 dwellings
  • 30% (34 homes) will be affordable housing
  • The proposed development will predominantly consist of 2 storey dwellings, with potential for 2.5 storey units for larger dwellings
  • The development block to the south of Plains Farmhouse emulates a traditional farmstead cluster, with linear barn-like buildings surrounding a courtyard, providing a positive relationship to the existing farmhouse
  • The site will be connected to the wider network of cycle and pedestrian paths linking it to the neighbouring developments and wider landscape. The illustrative masterplan proposes a loop of informal footpaths to provide connectivity to development’s open spaces
  • A S106 Legal agreement will be secured if planning permission is granted which will require financial contributions towards primary and secondary education payable to Essex County Council, healthcare and the provision of 30% affordable housing are just some of the items that would be included in this agreement

(34%) of the site is proposed to be public open space (currently this site is privately owned with no public access). This key open space would include:

  • Landscaped entrance into the site, lined with existing retained trees
  • A large area of public open space to the south of Plains Farm, naturalistic in character, containing a natural play area and bounded by retained hedgerows. The play area would be designed to carefully integrate with the landscape using tree planting, landform and natural materials such as logs and boulders to create an attractive setting for play
  • A community orchard at the north-western corner of the site
  • Green corridors along the southern, eastern and northern edges of the site, bounded by existing or proposed hedgerows with hedgerow trees. The green corridor along the northern edge of the site is set back from the A120 vegetation by over 10m and accommodates surface water drainage features and an informal footpath connecting the green corridors at the site’s peripheries
  • A secluded attenuation area north of Plains Farm, acting as a habitat area to enhance the site’s ecology

Plains Farm, Colchester site location

The site is located off Plains Farm Close, situated on the eastern edge of Colchester and immediately to the south of the A120.  The majority of the site comprises agricultural land in arable use. The north west corner of the site, closest to the A120, comprises a number of agricultural type units of various forms and sizes, associated with Plains Farm.

The farmhouse itself and the associated drainage pond to the north do not form part of the development site. Immediately to the north of the Site and south of the A120, is a significant landscape buffer consisting of mature trees.

Colchester Town Centre is only some 3.5km to the south west of the Site and has a wide range of shops, services, and employment opportunities.

The closet bus stop is Balkerne Gate, which is a three minute walk from the proposed site. Buses to Colchester Town Centre.

Masterplan and Design

Plains Farm forms part of a new neighbourhood situated off Ipswich Road at the edge of Colchester. The site has a boundary with ‘The Orchards’, a residential development currently under construction.

The character of the proposals is driven by the existing farmhouse, which sits within a setting of mature trees and fields bounded by hedgerows. The proposals seek to respect the setting of Plains Farm by providing a sequence of greens along a route approaching the farmhouse. Houses will be set back from the listed buildings, with the greens providing an attractive setting for new homes.

The housing area to the east of the farmhouse will be structured around a network of streets, leading off a central avenue, that connect with linear green spaces at the site’s peripheries.

To ensure integration, the proposals will reflect the pattern of The Orchards.  Continuing strong north-south corridors into the site, providing opportunities to connect residents of both developments, tying the two communities together whilst retaining their separate characters and identities. 


These green spaces will allow for the movement of people and wildlife around edges of the development. The green spaces will also function as corridors containing ponds and swales for drainage and hedgerow and tree planting, softening views towards buildings and forming a boundary in keeping with the adjoining neighbourhood.

The landscape proposals will seek to retain boundary vegetation where possible and create new areas of planting and open space.  The proposed development respects the residential amenities of nearby properties, with appropriate separation distances between new and existing properties.

Looking for a new home in Colchester?

The worsening of the UK housing crisis is well publicised, with the Government vowing to deliver 300,000 new homes every year. 

The pressure on the housing market is significant with the demand for homes outstripping supply.  An increase in life expectancy, immigration, single person occupancy and the demand for second homes being just some of the contributing factors.

Colchester is a highly desirable, but expensive place to live, and local people are struggling for the opportunity to get on the housing ladder and find a place they can call home.

  • Average price of a home in Colchester is £270,445 (Source: Rightmove)
  • Over 17% more than the UK average of £231,095 (Source: Land Registry)
  • House prices have risen by 14% in Colchester since 2016 (Source: Rightmove)
  • A first time buyer would need a deposit of £27,044 based on the current average house price in Colchester

Be the first to hear the latest news on our affordable homes by emailing us at or filling in our HAVE YOUR SAY FORM above.  We are keen to hear from young professionals and key workers who are looking to get on the housing ladder in Colchester.

What is affordable housing?

Affordable housing is a combination of social rented, affordable rent and shared ownership housing, provided to eligible households whose needs are not met by the market.  30% of the new homes delivered at Plains Farm will be affordable housing.

Local planning background for Plains Farm, Colchester

Tendring District, Braintree District and Colchester Borough Councils, also referred to as the North Essex Authorities (NEAs), have been working together on the strategic cross boundary issues for North Essex. This has resulted in a strategic Section 1 Local Plan which is shared by all three local planning authorities. Emerging Local Plan (ELP) Policy SP2 sets out the spatial strategy for the North Essex joint area, including the development of three new Garden Communities at the following locations:

  • Colchester/Braintree Borders
  • Tendring/Colchester Borders
  • West of Braintree

Tendring along with Braintree and Colchester have each prepared individual Section 2 Local Plans. The NEAs submitted their Local Plans (Section 1 & Section 2) to the Secretary of State in October 2017 for examination. A number of hearings were held where the examining Inspector, appointed by the Secretary of State considered the proposals for the Garden Communities.

The Examining Inspector published his initial findings in June 2018. The Inspector raised serious concerns on the feasibility and viability of the proposals as currently presented and on the adequacy of the Sustainability Appraisal and technical evidence that supports the plan. The examining Inspector was also concerned that there would be slippage in the delivery of the Garden Communities and that they would not come forward in the timescales suggested by the Councils.

The examination of the Section 1 plan is currently suspended whilst the NEAs undertake the additional work to the Sustainability Appraisal and other technical reports. As part of the work the NEAs are also considering ways of dealing with any potential shortfall in housing delivery at the Garden Communities. This is likely to include allocating new sites that have the ability to deliver in the shorter term.

Due to the significant infrastructure requirements and lead in times associated with new settlements and strategic sites, it is critical that each Council’s housing land supply comprises a mix of sites that have the ability to deliver in the short to medium. Such sites provide the opportunity to deliver more homes earlier in the plan period and thus complement the longer-term delivery that can be achieved at the Garden Communities.

The proposed development site is located in a highly sustainable location on the edge of Colchester, close to existing services, amenities and a wide range of employment opportunities. We consider this Site offers the opportunity to deliver a mix of housing in a location where the need for new housing is high.

Planning application for new homes in Colchester submitted - July 2019

Catesby Estates have submitted outline plans for the construction of up to 116 new homes, including 30% affordable on 14.4 acres of land known as Plains Farm, Colchester.

Plains Farm forms part of a new neighbourhood situated off Ipswich Road at the edge of Colchester. The site has a boundary with ‘The Orchards’, a residential development currently under construction.

The proposed development site is located in a highly sustainable location on the edge of Colchester, close to existing services, amenities and a wide range of employment opportunities. This site offers the opportunity to deliver a mix of housing in a location where the need for new housing is high.

The application will undergo a statutory consultation period, where anyone who wishes to make their views known on the development can submit their comments to Tendring District Council, before it goes before the planning committee later this year. 

Should the application be approved, Catesby will then work with housebuilders to deliver a range of new homes, with first residents taking occupation during 2021.

Public consultation for new homes in Colchester commences - April 2019

Plains Farm represents a unique opportunity to create a high quality and sustainable new housing development for Colchester.

The development will cater for the whole community, with a range of home sizes and types with 30% affordable housing provided for those struggling to get on the housing ladder.

We are inviting neighbours of the site to submit their views to us, so we can shape our plans further.

Catesby Estates has entered into an agreement to promote land at Plains Farm, Ardleigh, Colchester - November 2018

The 71.6 acre greenfield site lies within the administrative area of Tendring Borough Council, and has potential for new homes, including affordable housing and community facilities.  The site is within an established residential area of Ardleigh with a range of services and facilities within walking distance.

The in-house planning and technical teams will be now be working with the council to bring this site forward for new homes.

A Spokeperson for Catesby Estates said; “We are pleased to have secured this well located and sustainable potential residential site for our land promotion portfolio.  This year has seen our land promotion portfolio grow to a record high with over 64 sites, and we are still looking to add to this further.”   

South of the B480, Chalgrove, Oxfordshire
Narborough Road, Cosby, Leicestershire

We appreciate you will have your own thoughts on what's happening locally to you and we welcome your comments.

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