Sweeters Reach, Off Loxwood Road & Chilton Close, Alfold, Surrey

Sold For Residential Development

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Second successful strategic land promotion site in Alfold, Surrey for Catesby Estates

Catesby Estates  promoted 14.9 acres of land east of Loxwood Road/Chilton Close in Alfold with potential for new homes including a policy compliant percentage of affordable housing. The site lies within the administrative area of Waverley Borough Council.  

This was a phase 2 extension to a 6.5 acre site of 55 homes which Catesby sold to Cala Homes in 2018 (more about Phase 1 land site here).  The 14.9 acre site known as Sweeters Reach was promoted through the Local Plan process.

Land promotion timeline for 14.9 acre site in Alfold

Outline planning application for new homes approved in 2020

Waverley Borough Council adopted a new Local Plan in early 2018 which sets out a need to deliver at least 590 homes per year across the Borough. Whilst the majority of houses will be delivered in the larger settlements of Farnham, Godalming, Hazelmere and Cranleigh, a proportion will be delivered in villages such as Alfold (including Alfold Crossways).  The Local Plan requires Alfold to provide a minimum of 125 new homes over the Plan period. 

The application site has previously been assessed by Waverley Borough Council as potentially suitable for development, in addition the site has subsequently been considered in the evidence base for the Alfold Neighbourhood Plan, which found that the site may be suitable for allocation subject to resolving issues and mitigating identified constraints. Technical work undertaken by Catesby Estates on the site to date demonstrates the site is suitable for development and that potential technical issues can be resolved.

Waverley Borough Council were unable to demonstrate a five-year supply of housing land, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The housing land supply position in the Borough has worsened in part due to unforeseen delays in the progression of the second part of the Local Plan which is responsible for allocating sites for development, and delays in bringing forward the Dunsfold Park scheme.

This results in an urgent need for delivery of homes in Waverley. Whilst some development has already been permitted in Alfold, the allocation is set as a minimum and the Local Plan recognises that those villages not within Surrey Hills AONB or Green Belt offer more scope for growth. 

Outline planning permission was granted for this site in March 2020.

Phase 2 strategic land promoted and sold to Bewley Homes in 2021

Catesby Estates are pleased to announce the sale of phase 2 of a residential development site in Alfold, Surrey to Bewley Homes.

The 14.9 acre site has outline planning consent for up to 80 new homes, 30% affordable housing and public open space. 

This was a phase 2 extension to a 6.5 acre site of 55 homes which Catesby sold to Cala Homes in 2018, which has subsequently been built out and is now fully occupied.

David Harper, Area Land Director for Catesby Estates said “We are delighted to have completed our first land sale to Bewley Homes who have a reputation for delivering high quality new homes.”

“Alfold is a highly desirable, but expensive place to live, and these proposals include affordable housing providing an opportunity for those who currently cannot afford to buy or rent in Alfold to live in the community where they have existing connections”.

Reserved Matters planning application by Bewley Homes in 2022

Bewley Homes has secured reserved matters planning permission for the site off Loxwood Road.  Bewley will now build a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes along with public open space including a children's play area.

 Bewley Homes Artist impression Of New Homes at Catesby's Alfold Strategic Land Site

Promoting your land in Surrey with Catesby Estates

We’re actively seeking strategic land sites in Surrey. With a proven track record and strong success rate, landowners in the county are welcome to contact us.

Tell us about your land

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Second successful strategic land promotion site in Alfold, Surrey for Catesby Estates

Catesby Estates  promoted 14.9 acres of land east of Loxwood Road/Chilton Close in Alfold with potential for new homes including a policy compliant percentage of affordable housing. The site lies within the administrative area of Waverley Borough Council.  

This was a phase 2 extension to a 6.5 acre site of 55 homes which Catesby sold to Cala Homes in 2018 (more about Phase 1 land site here).  The 14.9 acre site known as Sweeters Reach was promoted through the Local Plan process.

Land promotion timeline for 14.9 acre site in Alfold

Outline planning application for new homes approved in 2020

Waverley Borough Council adopted a new Local Plan in early 2018 which sets out a need to deliver at least 590 homes per year across the Borough. Whilst the majority of houses will be delivered in the larger settlements of Farnham, Godalming, Hazelmere and Cranleigh, a proportion will be delivered in villages such as Alfold (including Alfold Crossways).  The Local Plan requires Alfold to provide a minimum of 125 new homes over the Plan period. 

The application site has previously been assessed by Waverley Borough Council as potentially suitable for development, in addition the site has subsequently been considered in the evidence base for the Alfold Neighbourhood Plan, which found that the site may be suitable for allocation subject to resolving issues and mitigating identified constraints. Technical work undertaken by Catesby Estates on the site to date demonstrates the site is suitable for development and that potential technical issues can be resolved.

Waverley Borough Council were unable to demonstrate a five-year supply of housing land, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The housing land supply position in the Borough has worsened in part due to unforeseen delays in the progression of the second part of the Local Plan which is responsible for allocating sites for development, and delays in bringing forward the Dunsfold Park scheme.

This results in an urgent need for delivery of homes in Waverley. Whilst some development has already been permitted in Alfold, the allocation is set as a minimum and the Local Plan recognises that those villages not within Surrey Hills AONB or Green Belt offer more scope for growth. 

Outline planning permission was granted for this site in March 2020.

Phase 2 strategic land promoted and sold to Bewley Homes in 2021

Catesby Estates are pleased to announce the sale of phase 2 of a residential development site in Alfold, Surrey to Bewley Homes.

The 14.9 acre site has outline planning consent for up to 80 new homes, 30% affordable housing and public open space. 

This was a phase 2 extension to a 6.5 acre site of 55 homes which Catesby sold to Cala Homes in 2018, which has subsequently been built out and is now fully occupied.

David Harper, Area Land Director for Catesby Estates said “We are delighted to have completed our first land sale to Bewley Homes who have a reputation for delivering high quality new homes.”

“Alfold is a highly desirable, but expensive place to live, and these proposals include affordable housing providing an opportunity for those who currently cannot afford to buy or rent in Alfold to live in the community where they have existing connections”.

Reserved Matters planning application by Bewley Homes in 2022

Bewley Homes has secured reserved matters planning permission for the site off Loxwood Road.  Bewley will now build a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes along with public open space including a children's play area.

 Bewley Homes Artist impression Of New Homes at Catesby's Alfold Strategic Land Site

Promoting your land in Surrey with Catesby Estates

We’re actively seeking strategic land sites in Surrey. With a proven track record and strong success rate, landowners in the county are welcome to contact us.

Tell us about your land

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Loxwood Road, Alfold, Surrey
Kedleston Road, Allestree, Derbyshire