An outline planning application for new homes at Benacre View has now been submitted to Canterbury City Council (February 2023) and is currently awaiting validation. Once validated it will be available to view on the Council's Planning Portal.
An outline planning application seeks to establish whether the scale and nature of a proposed development would be acceptable to the local planning authority, before a second fully detailed planning application is put forward, which is called a Reserved Matters.
Where outline permission has been granted, and within three years of the outline approval, an application for the outstanding reserved matters can be submitted, i.e. the information excluded from the initial outline planning application. This will include information about the exact layout, scale and appearance of the new homes, as well as the details of the open space and landscaping. No development can take place on site until the Reserved Matters application has been consented.
Statutory consultees (e.g., Environment Agency, County Council and the Parish Council) and local residents will have the opportunity to formally comment on the application direct with Caternturbu City Council
We will continue to work closely with the Council and where necessary will respond to statutory consultees.