Headcorn Planning Application Submitted
Dec 6, 2022
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The original application was withdrawn, due to us needing to respond to technical statutory consultee queries before the determination period of the 31st March 2023.
A new outline planning application has been submitted and registered with the Council - Application 23/504471/OUT.
The formal public consultation for our initial proposals closed on Sunday 6th November 2022. An outline planning application for Moat Farm, Headcorn has now been submitted to Maidstone Borough Council. The application can be viewed on the Council’s website (application - 22/505616/OUT).
Statutory consultees (e.g., Environment Agency and the Parish Council) and local residents will have the opportunity to formally comment on the application direct to Maidstone Borough Council.
We will continue to work closely with the Council and where necessary will respond to statutory consultees.
An outline planning application seeks to establish whether the scale and nature of a proposed development would be acceptable to the local planning authority, before a second fully detailed planning application is put forward, which is called a Reserved Matters. A Reserved Matters application typically include information about the layout, scale and appearance of the development. No development can take place on site until the Reserved Matters application has been consented.
Both types of applications are required to undergo public consultation before submission. Statutory consultees for example the Environment Agency and the Highways Authority, and local residents will also have the opportunity to formally comment on the applications once they are submitted and registered with the Council.
An outline application is a standard way of dealing with planning, and the granting of an outline planning permission does not preclude local stakeholders from commenting on a Reserved Matters application at a later stage in the planning process.
You can still contact us and submit further feedback using the Have you Say Form on this page, or via email at info@catesbyestates.co.uk or via telephone on 01788 726810.
Catesby Estates has entered into an agreement to promote land at Land at Moat Farm, Headcorn, Kent for residential development.
The greenfield land site is 18 acres, and lies within the administrative area of Maidstone Borough Council.
The National Planning Policy framework (NPPF) is the overarching national planning document which guides development in the country. The latest iteration of the NPPF was published in July 2021. It sets out the national policy which guides Local Planning Authorities on plan-making and decision-taking. Local Authorities are required to have up-to-date Local Plans that make provision for a local housing requirement (based on a standardised methodology).
Maidstone Borough Council's (MDC) emerging Local Plan is currently under examination and sets out that 17,746 new homes are required across the plan period (2022-2038).
The emerging Local Plan Review document allocates land at Moat Farm, off Moat Road in Headcorn for approximately 110 new homes. Following careful consideration of the site’s constraints and opportunities, as well as the other design and environmental policies within the Council’s Development Plans, we have designed proposals for a development of up to 120 new homes.
Homes both new and existing account for 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK.
The homes at Moat Farm will be designed in accordance with the Government’s Interim Future Homes Standard, which requires a 31% improvement over the current Part L 2013 standard.
A range of measures will be implemented to reduce energy use and carbon emissions, in line with the energy hierarchy, and complying with national and local policy. The detailed design will consider:
The consultation website contains the information on the proposals from a planning, technical and design perspective, along with a number of short videos and external links to useful sites that we hope you will find informative (consultation ends Sunday 6th November 2022).
Please let us have your feedback by using the 'Have your Say' form, via the survey link or by using any of the other feedback options detailed on the consultation web page:
The website will be updated on a regular basis as our proposals and our planning application for the site progresses.
Catesby Estates has entered into an agreement to promote land at Moat Farm, Headcorn, Kent for residential development.
The greenfield land site is 18 acres, and lies within the administrative area of Maidstone Borough Council.
The in-house planning and technical teams at Catesby will be working with the council and other stakeholders to bring this site forward for new homes along with a range of community facilities.
David Harper, Area Land Director for Catesby said; “We are pleased to have added to our land promotion portfolio this well located and sustainable site.”
“Headcorn is one of 5 Key Rural Service Centres within the Maidstone District and provides a good range of facilities including employment and shopping.”
Affordable Housing. 40% of the homes proposed will be affordable housing, comprising a mixture of affordable homes for rent and affordable routes to home-ownership (such as shared ownership, First Homes or rent to buy).
Public Open Space. Over 40% of the site will be kept as landscape and open space, particularly along the western and southern edges of the site.
This creates a positive and soft transition between proposed development, the wider countryside to the west and Moat Road to the south. It also provides areas to accommodate new features such as children’s play.
Highways and Access. The main access is proposed from the Moat Road and will be designed to meet all national and local design guidance.
An independent road safety audit has been undertaken with the general arrangement having been agreed in principle with Kent County Council as Local Highway Authority during pre-application discussions. Recently, the scheme has been amended to reflect the draft policy requirements in relation to maintaining the rural character of Moat Road.
As part of preparing our Transport Assessment (“TA”), we have undertaken numerous traffic counts and surveys of the local road network including understanding traffic patterns.
Drainage and Flooding. The development areas are situated within the Environment Agency’s Flood Zone 1. These are areas with a less than 1 in 1000 annual probability of flooding from rivers, the lowest probability of fluvial flooding.
The development areas will be sited away from the areas of fluvial flood risk associated with the River Beult and tributary watercourse that flows underneath Moat Road to the southeast of the site.
A secondary emergency site access will be provided to the north of the site to ensure that the site remains accessible during extreme flood events when parts of Moat Road to the south may be flooded.
Greenfield sites have to ensure there is no worse surface water run-off flow than the current field run off rate, therefore the storage methods on site will ensure a betterment to the surface water runoff rate compared to the existing greenfield.
Ecology. The landscape design seeks to integrate the new housing into the landscape, retaining and enhancing the vast majority of boundary hedgerow and trees, along with the planting of additional trees and creation of public open space.
A range of wildlife friendly features will also be incorporated (i.e., bat and bird boxes, hedgehog highways), in addition to soft landscaping which will include habitats such as grasslands (featuring wildflower) and large vegetative buffers to the boundaries providing a permeable site for wildlife.
Furthermore, the proposals provide sufficient inherent mitigation for any protected species identified, such as bats, birds, and badgers to ensure they can be retained on-site, with no significant negative impact.
The original application was withdrawn, due to us needing to respond to technical statutory consultee queries before the determination period of the 31st March 2023.
A new outline planning application has been submitted and registered with the Council - Application 23/504471/OUT.
The formal public consultation for our initial proposals closed on Sunday 6th November 2022. An outline planning application for Moat Farm, Headcorn has now been submitted to Maidstone Borough Council. The application can be viewed on the Council’s website (application - 22/505616/OUT).
Statutory consultees (e.g., Environment Agency and the Parish Council) and local residents will have the opportunity to formally comment on the application direct to Maidstone Borough Council.
We will continue to work closely with the Council and where necessary will respond to statutory consultees.
An outline planning application seeks to establish whether the scale and nature of a proposed development would be acceptable to the local planning authority, before a second fully detailed planning application is put forward, which is called a Reserved Matters. A Reserved Matters application typically include information about the layout, scale and appearance of the development. No development can take place on site until the Reserved Matters application has been consented.
Both types of applications are required to undergo public consultation before submission. Statutory consultees for example the Environment Agency and the Highways Authority, and local residents will also have the opportunity to formally comment on the applications once they are submitted and registered with the Council.
An outline application is a standard way of dealing with planning, and the granting of an outline planning permission does not preclude local stakeholders from commenting on a Reserved Matters application at a later stage in the planning process.
You can still contact us and submit further feedback using the Have you Say Form on this page, or via email at info@catesbyestates.co.uk or via telephone on 01788 726810.
Catesby Estates has entered into an agreement to promote land at Land at Moat Farm, Headcorn, Kent for residential development.
The greenfield land site is 18 acres, and lies within the administrative area of Maidstone Borough Council.
The National Planning Policy framework (NPPF) is the overarching national planning document which guides development in the country. The latest iteration of the NPPF was published in July 2021. It sets out the national policy which guides Local Planning Authorities on plan-making and decision-taking. Local Authorities are required to have up-to-date Local Plans that make provision for a local housing requirement (based on a standardised methodology).
Maidstone Borough Council's (MDC) emerging Local Plan is currently under examination and sets out that 17,746 new homes are required across the plan period (2022-2038).
The emerging Local Plan Review document allocates land at Moat Farm, off Moat Road in Headcorn for approximately 110 new homes. Following careful consideration of the site’s constraints and opportunities, as well as the other design and environmental policies within the Council’s Development Plans, we have designed proposals for a development of up to 120 new homes.
Homes both new and existing account for 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK.
The homes at Moat Farm will be designed in accordance with the Government’s Interim Future Homes Standard, which requires a 31% improvement over the current Part L 2013 standard.
A range of measures will be implemented to reduce energy use and carbon emissions, in line with the energy hierarchy, and complying with national and local policy. The detailed design will consider:
The consultation website contains the information on the proposals from a planning, technical and design perspective, along with a number of short videos and external links to useful sites that we hope you will find informative (consultation ends Sunday 6th November 2022).
Please let us have your feedback by using the 'Have your Say' form, via the survey link or by using any of the other feedback options detailed on the consultation web page:
The website will be updated on a regular basis as our proposals and our planning application for the site progresses.
Catesby Estates has entered into an agreement to promote land at Moat Farm, Headcorn, Kent for residential development.
The greenfield land site is 18 acres, and lies within the administrative area of Maidstone Borough Council.
The in-house planning and technical teams at Catesby will be working with the council and other stakeholders to bring this site forward for new homes along with a range of community facilities.
David Harper, Area Land Director for Catesby said; “We are pleased to have added to our land promotion portfolio this well located and sustainable site.”
“Headcorn is one of 5 Key Rural Service Centres within the Maidstone District and provides a good range of facilities including employment and shopping.”
Dec 6, 2022
We appreciate you will have your own thoughts on what's happening locally to you and we welcome your comments.
Have Your SayIf you think your land may have development potential and would like to maximise its value, please get in touch.
Head Office: Orchard House, Papple Close,
Houlton, Rugby, CV23 1EW
South East Office: The Grosvenor,
Basing View, Basingstoke, RG21 4HG
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