Catesby Estates selected as land promoter for strategic land site in the Cotswolds.
Located within the administrative area of Cotswold District Council this greenfield site is 25.5 acres and is located along the boundary of Mickleton village
The adopted Local Plan identifies Mickleton as one of 17 principal settlements suitable for accommodating housing development. Mickleton is therefore considered a sustainable settlement capable of accommodating future housing growth.
The homes proposed on this site will be energy efficient and will be designed and built to achieve carbon savings in line with the latest building regulations. This will be achieved through building fabric, the installation of renewable energy sources and providing the appropriate onsite infrastructure to facilitate electric car ownership, homeworking and sustainable travel.
David Harper, Area Land Director for Catesby Estates said; “We will be working closely with Cotswold District Council and other local stakeholders to bring this site forward to deliver a sensitively designed and sustainable residential development, which can provide much needed new homes, along with wider social and economic benefits for the existing community.”